New Program "e-retail" through NSRA - 100% SUBSIDY
80 million euro financing for the creation or upgrade of an electronic store (e-shop) in the retail sector.
The announcement of the NSRF program, amounting to €80,000,000, for the creation or upgrade of an electronic store (e-shop) by the Ministry of Development and Investments was published on 12.02.2021. The Program concerns all of the thirteen (13) Regions of the country.
The Action "E-retail - Subsidy of existing SMEs in the retail sector, for the development / upgrade and management of an e-shop" aims to subsidize SMEs in the retail sector for the development / upgrade and management of an electronic shop (e-shop) in order to support their operation during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, to strengthen their degree of digital integration, as well as their digital transformation and to avoid overcrowding indoors.
Grant 100%
A. BUILDING an e-shop
- Amount up to €5,000 for each business with a separate VAT number.
Implementation period for the construction of the e-shop: 6 MONTHS after approval
B. UPGRADE e-shop
- An amount of €1,500 for each business with a separate VAT number.
For upgrading, the purchase of hardware such as computers, laptops, etc. is NOT eligible.
The program funds 100% software
- Design, development / upgrade and management services of the e-shop – it will work in 2 languages, as well as in a mobile device environment – mobile responsive or dedicated mobile version and will integrate functions of ordering (basket), warehouse (quantity of items) and secure electronic payments (redirect to a banking environment).
- Eligible expenditure is also the purchase of software in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) as long as it is necessary for the operation of the e-shop. In the case of acquisition in the form of Software as a Service (SAAS), the cost for one year is eligible.
- Development and/or certification of a digital security policy.(1)
In addition, the purchase of hardware is subsidized up to 30% ONLY in the case of e-shop CONSTRUCTION:
- Servers for hosting applications - software (with keyboards, screen, etc.) and the operating system. Acquisition in the form of Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is also allowed for one year.
- Computers (Desktop / Laptop).
- Other technological equipment related to the creation/upgrade and operation of the e-shop (e.g. Network equipment, Bar code readers, printers, etc.). The cost of supplying tablets, mobile phones and televisions is not eligible.(2)
Beneficiaries of the Action
- Medium, small and very small businesses operating in the retail sector, maintaining a physical store and their operations have been suspended for at least one day from Wednesday 18 March 2020 onwards.
The companies are divided into:
- Existing, as long as they have been established up to 30/09/2019
- Newly incorporated, as long as they have been incorporated from 1/10/2019 to 12/2/2021 (date of announcement of the Action).
Terms and conditions
The basic conditions for the participation of businesses that submit a proposal are:
- Have RETAIL TRADE as their MAIN Activity (KAD 47 and its Analyticals, as described in Appendix X)
- Either as the MAIN Activity, at the head office or in the branch, or as the activity with the largest income.
- To maintain a Physical Retail Store, in a separate area of their home, i.e. a commercial area that welcomes and serves customers.
- The operation of the eligible activity at the company's headquarters and/or branches has been suspended for at least one (1) day from Wednesday, March 18, 2020 onwards.
- Existing businesses must have a reduction of at least 20% in their turnover during the 4th quarter of 2020 compared to the corresponding quarter of 2019. For newly established companies, the reduction will be considered 100% in their turnover.
- To meet the conditions of application of Reg. 1407/2013 (De Minimis) – Total aid of minor importance up to 200,000 within the last three years (2019, 2020, 2021).
Grant limit
Maximum aid amount for each business: €5,000, 100% subsidy.
If expenses have been incurred since March 18, 2020, they are retroactively eligible.
Invitation Budget
The total Public Funding of the call amounts to €80,000,000
Submit the application
The start of submission is Monday 22/02/2021 at 13:00 and ends Wednesday 24/03/2021 at 15:00.
Evaluation Type
The evaluation process will be comparative. The ranking table will be separate for each District Category. The ranking is based on the decrease in turnover of the 4th quarter of the year 2020 compared to the 4th quarter of the year 2019. For start-ups the decrease will be considered 100% in their turnover.
(1). Caution! The requested financing should be documented by the e-shop construction technicians.
(2). Caution! Funding requested should be documented. It is good to forward to us the technical characteristics of the equipment you intend to purchase.